Why is Scaling and Polishing Important?


Scaling and polishing are crucial components of dental care for maintaining optimal oral health. Scaling involves the removal of hardened plaque (tartar) from teeth surfaces, preventing the progression of gum disease and reducing the risk of tooth decay. This process is vital as regular brushing and flossing may not effectively eliminate all plaque.

Polishing, on the other hand, helps smooth and polish tooth surfaces, making it harder for plaque to accumulate. This not only enhances the aesthetics of teeth by reducing surface stains but also contributes to a healthier oral environment. Additionally, polished teeth are less prone to bacterial attachment.

Together, scaling and polishing promote better gum health, prevent bad breath, and reduce the likelihood of developing serious dental issues, ultimately supporting a brighter, healthier smile. Regular professional dental cleanings are essential for the longevity of both oral and overall well-being.


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